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  • Writer's pictureOlive Lewis



I have moved around the church in my days. As a young woman in love with the message, I was near the front, in Sabbath School giving the mission story; drinking in the sermon; holding an office, busy. Then, babies and active, small children forced me back near the door in case of service disruption. As the children grew, I moved up, toward the middle, close enough for my voice to be heard, my opinions voiced. Now that I’m older, I am back sitting in the rear where there are fewer people; the worn pews are more comfortable; the praise team is not so loud, and the restroom exit is nearby. I watch the door and think of the people I have seen come in, go out, come back or not. I remember the weddings and the funerals. I remember the pastors and leaders. I remember the big discussions and the little disagreements. I have often forgotten their faces and names but not their stories. And, I may have the details wrong, but who is to tell? In the end, the Apostle Paul who had but a few earthly possessions to gather before winter and only asked for his books and his coat. Now, I find possessions burdensome as I near the winter of my life. As I age, I long for the simpler things of life. As winter of life approaches, I have time to spend with musings and memories. That is what this volume is: a collection of memories, musings, and reminiscences from the view of a church lady.

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